Summer is here, the weekend in sight, temperatures around 30 degrees (Celsius that is. Do I have to calculate the Fahrenheit for you? Celsius=((Fahrenheit minus 32) divided by two) plus 10 percent. ok?!) - so, temperatures around 30 degrees centigrade slow everything down, nobody wants to move, and except for a few hours a day the brain is idling at best. What better to do with a useless brain than to click on BigThink? Go there and you will find an astonishingly perfect mix of bubbly scientoid superficiality and esoterics. Breathtaking dreamed-up scenarios of thinking robots, brain-transplants (whatch out, brain, I might swap!) and other huge topics dealt with in the typical absolutely mind-numbing mushyness.
'Hey Bill Nye, Could a Black Hole Have Created the Big Bang?'
'Hey Bill Nye, Could a Black Hole Have Created the Big Bang?'
Yeah, hey, Billy-boy-buddy, whaddaya think? Think Big! That's how physics is done, right? This is science communication - you bet. Think with your hormones, be awesome, wow me. So, could a black hole have created the big bang? hm? His answer: maybe yes, maybe no and "That'd be pretty cool, we think".
(oh, right, Bill Nye is portrayed as 'Television host and science educator' - one more reason to trash your TV, and one very good argument to mistrust education).
Why is knowledge transfer so often misunderstood as actively dumbing down? The arrogance of such 'science educators' (in BIG air-commas) is unbelievable. The kids out there are much smarter than that and deserve better.
Now back to the beach.
Now back to the beach.